Very nice cards from friends, visit to the vet, award
and tag game! :)
We're received your Christmas card and this boooootiful portrait!!
Stanley, you have a very nice smile beside cute Stella.
We love this portrait of two of you!!!
Then we received this VERY nice handmade card from our sweet friend Yuki.Isn't this pretty??? Thank you Yuki for making our day! :)
***************The VET***************
Yes, I, Momo had to visit the cardiologist at this clinic on Monday.
Here's always a big question from our vet Dr. S. at our usual animal clinic
since I was a puppy.
"Does Momo have a heart murmur??? Is this getting serious?"
So we had a visit to this specialist.
Ultrasound and EKG were performed during our two hour visit.
The result was... yes, level 3 heart murmur was confirmed as we expected. :(
BUT the good news is that I don't need to be medicated at this moment. :)
Normal food (important!!), normal excises, normal activity are all fine. Phew!!
After our visit to the cardiologist, I had to chase those evil squires! :)
"Where did they go? I just saw them!!"
Then dinner time, I had to steal the biggest piece of baguette from the table.
The cardiologist's helper shaved my hair... It's a little reward to myself! :)
**** **********Award!*****************Wow, we have to say thank you for being our friends, guys!!
As we said before it's very nice to know other would think of us. :)
*************First tag game of 2008!!***********First of all, we know we were tagged three times from November to December
and didn't get a chance to do any. :(
So this time we don't want to be so behind. :)
This game is tagged by Blue.
1.) If I were another kind of animal, I would be a..... DOGGIE still (sorry I can't pick ANOTHER kind!) because I love my life as a doggie. (Momo)
2.) My most favoritest song is ____because____.
**We have to give up to answer this question.
We have to listen to Manilow, DuranDuran and Heavy metal all the time.
We've got mixed up many songs already... :) (Momo & Pinot)
3.) If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live in anywhere with my pawrents, (Somewhere warmer, please!) because first of all I love them.
Second of all they feed me which means alot!. :P (Pinot)
4.) If I were a famous movie star or personality, I would be 'Elizabeth Taylor' the CKCS, Charlotte's dog on Sex and The City because
we are so look-alike (at lease I believe we're almost identical!). (Momo)
I love this product and we always share some drops..yumyum (Momo)
Momo & Pinot (J & R)